Hair - DOUX - Lawrence hairstyle [FATPACK]❤️
Head - CATWA HEAD Tala (unpacked)❤️
Skin - Mudskin
Eyelashes , dots under eyes - Kuriko-peach soda / /Gacha ❤️
Eyes - {S0NG} :: Chibi Eyes ❤️
Dress -Sorumin- Spirit of seasons GACHA -Dress Red- @ Lootbox❤️
Choker -Sorumin- Spirit of seasons GACHA -Choker Red- @ Lootbox❤️
Twig- 01 RARE -Sorumin- Spirit of seasons GACHA -4 seasons twig-@ Lootbox❤️
Mouth twig - 04 -Sorumin- Spirit of seasons GACHA -Twig on mouth- Fall@ Lootbox❤️
Decor - Ariskea[Louise] Real Painting Acrylic@ Uber❤️
Ariskea[Louise] The First pumpkin Orange@ Uber❤️
Ariskea[Louise] Wood Sticks & baies @ Uber❤️
Ariskea[Louise] Apothecary cabinet @ Uber❤️
MINIMAL - Retro Backdrops *4*❤️