︱New Post No.191︱

Hair - *Besom~DASH REVIEW N21 
Head - .: fiore :. Alura Bento Mesh Head (1.1) 
Skin - .: fiore :.  Ashley Skin Applier - ALL 
Shape -.: fiore :. Ashley Bento Shape 
-Complex-  THE CHOKER BLOGGER PACK Lost & Found 
Outfit - CHAIN - Fiona Swimsuit - BloggerPack - Maitreya (addme) Whimsical  
Watch -e.marie  // Cute But Awkward Gacha 
Nails - ~GD~J Star's Ringed(Baddie Claws) - Maitreya Bento Hands 
Rings - Kibitz - Marcia ring - fatpack
Poses and Lolipop - FOXCITY. Dolls VOL1 Bento Set (Boxed. HUD - Wear Me) 
Backdrop - anxiety %vibe